Search results

  1. conor

    How do I check a part of a record for a string in MySQL not knowing how many words..?

    You could use a loop to add to your query, here's an example: $query = 'select * from table where field'; $words = explode( ' ', $search ); $count = count( $words ); for( $i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i ){ $query .= ' like "%' . $words[ $i ] . '%"'; if( $i != ( $count - 1 ) ) //...
  2. conor

    Download Failing

    Looks ok to me, anything in the error log when you try to download a file?
  3. conor

    URL Parsing

    Here's a function I wrote a while ago to do just that. It works for port numbers and for https if they are present: /** * calculate_url * * Accurately calculates the URL * * @access public * @return string */ function calculate_url( ){ $url = 'http'; if(...
  4. conor

    Php+mysql generated pages and Google search

    I think that using a mysql database is a good way to go. It does not effect how google reads your page as far as I know, it also makes it much easier to maintain and edit a project, since you will be using one file instead of multiple. I really cant think of any reason it would effect googles...
  5. conor

    a better date calculation in php?

    to get the current date you could use something like this: <body> <?php date_default_timezone_set("America/Chicago"); ?> <table> <tr> <td><?php echo date( "m/d/y" ); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </body>
  6. conor

    need a iframe like script. maybe?

    It's hard to say without looking at your site, could you post a link or something? if you don't have hosting you could set up an example on With jquery you can do the same thing as iframes do quite easily. You should look into the $.ajax method, heres a quick example...
  7. conor

    HOW TO: Use a form to fill out PDF

    I would suggest, depending on your experience, using PHP for something like this. If you have no experience in programming and no interest in learning then i would look into a Content Management System - there are many of them out there with shopping carts which will allow you to do what you...
  8. conor

    Problem: A Prime number program

    something like this should work: if( $num % 2 == 0 ) echo $num . ' is a prime number'; else echo $num . ' is not a prime nuber';
  9. conor

    PHP Newbie

    Yes it is possible, but as you said it can look kind of messy some times. You can do stuff like this: echo '<html> <body> <div/> </body>'; echo '</html>'; or you could look into some kind of templating system that aims to seperate html and php such as the Smarty Template Engine...
  10. conor

    PHP Newbie

    you could just close the php tag when you want to echo html, like this: <?php // do some php here ?> <!-- have some html here --> <?php // some more php ?>
  11. conor

    HTML5 unsorted list issue

    CSS isn't smart, it does exactly what you tell it to and can't predict all situations of human error. ie If the rules aren't applied to the correct element they will have a different effect than desired.
  12. conor

    HTML5 unsorted list issue

    you need to apply this rule to the lis: ul li{ display:inline }
  13. conor

    What technique to use?

    You could just use css. Create a wrapper div and set a background image to it. Inside that div add links and position them using css. Here's an example I found on stackoverflow:
  14. conor

    Is there another way of including a web page into your own page other than iframe?

    try using file_get_contents: echo file_get_contents( '' );
  15. conor

    Script Type problems

    you could try installing firebug for firefox, or if you use chrome then no need to install anything. Left click on the page and click inspect element then go to the console tab, enable it, reload the page and it should give some sort of javascript error. Post the error here and it'll give a...
  16. conor

    Script Type problems

    try this: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script> <script...
  17. conor

    opinions please design gurus

    well i wouldn't really call myself a designer, more of a developer, but your designs look good to me. maybe wait until you get more feedback on the designs here before you make a decision. also, about my signature - i know. Let my personal website expire by accident when I was out of the...
  18. conor

    opinions please design gurus

    For someone who's "not much of a designer" your designs are very good! I prefer the second layout. If you want to add to it a bit more, I would suggest making the banner a slideshow between the banner in layout 1, the banner in layout 2 and one or two extra images. Oh I'm Irish btw.. wish it...
  19. conor

    Website type queston?

    it's using a software package called vBulletin - actually the same software that this forum uses. It's written in PHP.
  20. conor

    layout help

    Here's an example of that layout without negative margins: