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  1. AusQB

    PHP die() function

    I'm starting to work with sessions and cookies, typical login stuff. I have a register form page, which is recursively called by the form. ie. <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> The code that runs if the form has been submitted does a number of...
  2. AusQB

    Drawing curves

    Wow, thanks PixelBrusher. I can't believe it was so simple. You have no idea how many times I've spent just dragging those curves around trying to make them look halfway decent, but I couldn't get them to curve the way I wanted. Thanks again.
  3. AusQB

    Major Display issue in IE

    I don't see any problem.
  4. AusQB

    Folder Structure - PHP Include

    Alright, so by changing <?php include('head.php') ?> to <?php $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $path .= "/includes/head.php"; include_once($path); ?> I've managed to correctly include the head.php file in pages of different directory levels. However, that head.php file contains all...
  5. AusQB

    Meta Tag Usage - How important is it?

    True. I always forget about that. But then again I always make sure my titles are well structured.
  6. AusQB

    Meta Tag Usage - How important is it?

    As I understand it, the two most important meta tags are "keywords" and "description".
  7. AusQB

    Div height not setting to 100%

    Thanks for that. I'm a little lost though, where do I put the call statement?
  8. AusQB

    Problem with banner graphic in FF

    Two options: 1. Add border: 0; to the reset elements 2. Change from an image to a div with a background image That's all I can really think of. If you've uploaded the site can you give us a url. It's much easier to diagnose if I can view it in the browser.
  9. AusQB

    Folder Structure - PHP Include

    I have a PHP-based site set up with a few .php documents which are included as common code (head.php, nav.php, body_top.php. body_bottom.php) in each page. I want to move a few pages into a sub-folder, meaning the include statements (<?php include('head.php') ?>) no longer point to the right...
  10. AusQB

    Div height not setting to 100%

    Yeah I think that might be the best option. It just confounds me that height:100% doesn't parse height:auto as an actual value.
  11. AusQB

    Div height not setting to 100%

    I have a fairly basic layout with a left hand side bar for navigation. I've set the height of the side bar to 100% (of the body div) yet it reduces the height to fit the containing div. Within the leftnav div is another div which contains the list. In other words, I want div#leftnav to fit the...
  12. AusQB

    Side bars

    The simplest method is to just make a 920px wide image which you can set as the background for your main div. Within that div you can create 900px wide divs which go on top of it. So you would have the following code: div#wrap { background: url(images/bg_main.gif) repeat-y center top...
  13. AusQB

    page doesnt load correctly in firefox :(

    You would be better off just using three divs; one for the banner, one for the menu and one for the flash content. Tables can have all sorts of messy side effects.
  14. AusQB

    IE problems.. (rel=stylesheet) works in FF

    I don't think the line you used does anything: <!--[if lte IE]><href="ie.html" /><![endif]--> Instead, use this: <!--[if lte IE6]><link href="ie_layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><![endif]--> I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but I think the "lte" condition requires you...
  15. AusQB

    How do I 'prepend' the address to a directory

    Those are called sub-domains, and are created by way of your web hosting control panel. Once you create a sub-domain, it should create a folder in your root directory with the same name. For example, if you create the sub-domain, then the directory for that sub-domain will...
  16. AusQB

    What CMS (content managed system) do you use and why?

    I find CuteNews is simple and flexible, and you don't have to completely redesign the site to fit your original design. I know most people prefer the likes of Joomla and other more powerful CMS's, but I just can't seem to get in the groove with them. I couldn't even get new templates to install.
  17. AusQB

    running background

    The first page won't load for me, but I assume it's to do with the background image position. In your CSS or wherever your styles are defined, set the background attribute like so: background: url(<path_to_background_image>) no-repeat center top; That's assuming the background is similar to...
  18. AusQB

    What is User Interface?

    Compare this website with this one. Notice the difference? Key points: Keep it simple Less is more Elements such as navigation and content need to be very distinguishable
  19. AusQB

    Image drop shadow

    I can easily add a drop shadow to an image in Photoshop, but I'm looking for a more efficient and adaptable method for adding a drop shadow without editing the image. I tried using this tutorial, but I want the shadow to be centered, not at an angle, meaning you would see all four...
  20. AusQB

    What is the exact css code to put a background behind a centered div tag?

    CSS body { background: #666666; } div#wrap { height: auto; margin: 0 auto; } HTML <body> <div id="wrap"></div> </body>