What setting do you like to work in?


New Member
For some reason I just don't like working in an office setting. It never provided me with the sense of relaxation needed to start and finish project-oriented work.

I prefer working while laying on my couch at home, glasses of wine, light food to keep me going, and the TV on in the background. When I get stuck in a jam, I can just go on eBay or come here and post, or go out for a cigarette when I run into a frustrating problem. At home, I'm always able to call my favorite photoshop guru to ask questions that I don't feel like looking up, or the few 3D motion design students that I went to college with. I can receive a contract via e-mail and look over it with my girlfriend.

Most creative directors that I've worked for knew nothing of web design, and would always be down my back when I'm trying to do something. Little did they know that the majority of functional work that I do was at night when I got home. I just enjoyed it that way -- for many reasons listed above..

One freelance client had me do all of my work at her house so that she knew how much time I was spending. Being the young fool that I was, and a sucker for grabbing a cheap client, I agreed. Biggest mistake ever.

In my experience, working from home is more functional and relaxing. What do you prefer?



New Member
For some reason I just don't like working in an office setting. It never provided me with the sense of relaxation needed to start and finish project-oriented work.

I prefer working while laying on my couch at home, glasses of wine, light food to keep me going, and the TV on in the background. When I get stuck in a jam, I can just go on eBay or come here and post, or go out for a cigarette when I run into a frustrating problem. At home, I'm always able to call my favorite photoshop guru to ask questions that I don't feel like looking up, or the few 3D motion design students that I went to college with. I can receive a contract via e-mail and look over it with my girlfriend.

Most creative directors that I've worked for knew nothing of web design, and would always be down my back when I'm trying to do something. Little did they know that the majority of functional work that I do was at night when I got home. I just enjoyed it that way -- for many reasons listed above..

One freelance client had me do all of my work at her house so that she knew how much time I was spending. Being the young fool that I was, and a sucker for grabbing a cheap client, I agreed. Biggest mistake ever.

In my experience, working from home is more functional and relaxing. What do you prefer?


I could not agree more about working from home. Working in a late-night or early morning session is just much more comfortable for me, personally, and I get a lot more done without worrying about checking my email, client calls, etc.

Sounds pretty crappy that most of the CD's you have worked for know nothing about web design; they should in my opinion after all it is CREATIVE.


New Member
Oh what's up Yonkers? Didn't notice.

You're from Yonkers too? What part? I'm right near Nathan's on Central Ave.

It's no surprise to me that most people agree. What sucks the most is client meetings, because they are always completely useless! When clients hear about me and call me, 60% of them want to meet me "face to face." I tell them very firmly that the best websites I've created were at home, with clients that I've never met. They're shocked by this. Then I send my invoice biweekly and they notice that their meetings are costing them $50 per hour, and those are hours I could use building their site.

Can anyone see a constructive meeting in web design that couldn't be done on the phone or on skype? My motto for all of my clients is, "Tell me what the name of your pages will be, send me the content that you want on those pages, and send me a link to a website that you may want your site to look like." THAT'S ALL WE NEED!
