What files the customer gets


New Member

This is my first post in this forum so please go easy on me. I have a question, I have done only a couple of web sites for two of my friends and of course I didn’t charge any money. Both sites were done in flash since they are in a band they wanted something more interactive.

My question is if these two sites were done for a real customer what files should I provide to the customer, only the .swf files or both .swf and .fla files?

Any help will be appreciated.


New Member
It would probarbly be the swf files. But usually you don't give any files to the customer, you usually just ask them what they want, make a draft, upload it, then get in contact with them and ask if they want anything changed.


New Member
Depends how you set-up your contract, you could always quote two different prices, one with and without the work files; I'd make the fla work file at least 3 times the price of the swf


New Member
First of all thank you very much.

The reason I'm asking is because if I don't provide the .fla files they won't be able to update the site if they ever decide to go with a different company for maintenance.

So, this is not a problem?



New Member
no matter what the source (psd, fla, etc.) always quote for 2 prices. Giving the originals away is alot like giving them your right hand. Most likely you gaurentee they won't stay with you for long since they have all your work in hand. If they don't want to buy it now but might in the future, I would make sure your price now and then are reflected. ... as in later it will cost more ... always smart since they are coming to you for your files to take to someone else to work on, and giving both a competitor and your client access to those originals.