What do you think about this webdesign


New Member
Hello everybody,

I come from belgium so I don't speak english very well.

I would like to know what do you think about my new portfolio. Generaly, architect's websites are black and white. I don't follow this rules this time and I use green, blue and brown colors to show that I want to harmonize constructions and nature.

So, if you can give your opinion about this one (even if you think I'm on the wrong way), thank you in advance. :)



New Member
I really like the colours used. I think the side menu should be on the left though, it would be easier for the visitors to see. If you put more into your top horizontal picture, like a sun set witht he sun starting to shine, it will all alot more colour to your website. Other than that, everything esle looks very fine.


New Member
Thank for your comment shawn. I like right menu but I agree left menu is more viewable. I will use qtabs mootools for the content like example 3 on this page: http://www.latenight-coding.com/mootools/classes/qtabs.html

And I imagine that content come from the right menu and not come from nowhere. ^^

Okay for sun, I was thinking to integrate one too. And you it's will be more luminous (lumineux in french).