Website with Integral Blog and Shop


New Member
I'm trying to work out how to create a site that contains a blog and shop within it.
The thing is, I'm a graphic designer, not a programmer so I'm trying to do as little coding as possible!
I was thinking of using oscommerce for the shop and maybe wordpress for the blog, so my questions are as follows:

1). Can I use wordpress to host my blog and website as some people seem to do? ie. and if so is it possible to place oscommerce in there somehow too?

2). Or would I have to code the whole site myself, starting off with the basics (about, contact etc pages) then writing a blog 'module' and shop module to go inside it, hosted at the same place?

Apologies if that all sounds silly and a bit green, but as I say I'm new to coding and any advice would be greatly appreciated!



New Member
This is the best you will get for an integrated shop.
Wp-eCommerce Plugin

I haven't found an easy way to integrate os-commerce or zen cart into wordpress. If you want to use one of those you would basically have to create a seperate install of WP and say Os Commerce and then design them to look the same. But the shop won't actually be integrated.