Website for Democratic Action


New Member
Hi Team WebDesign.

I am a web developer working on a project to restore democracy to America. Can you look at it and give me a few tips on how to improve it? One not before you look. I am aware of an issue with the menu which causes lack of display. The menu is on the list of fixes.I am more concerned about the look and feel of the site rather than the glitches that I am probably aware of.

The website is located at:
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New Member
I think it's a decent website. Here are some of the things I'd work on:

I'd center the whole thing.
For some reason I see a gray bar behind the navigation submenus (IE8).
As far as a SEO point of view, you should be able to create the same look and still have real text instead of text within images.
And the text in the Dan Choi image is really small on my screen (1920x1080)
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d a v e

New Member
ditto the above
text in the dan choi - why not make it real text?? and it is ridiculously small

blog roll needs some separating lines or something between each item - a feint grey bottom border on each item for example.
i really dislike the way the text changes to italics on hover - as though it jumps - just use the underline and/or colour change

when visiting, for example, Progressives in America, my back button is broken and therefore i assumer i can't bookmark any page other than

the text on those pages e.g. Progressives is waaaay too small and cramped - it needs to be bigger and with more line height, like The PLAN Mission with more line height

also links could be red and body copy just #333 and not blue - too many colours going on there


i get a horiztonal scrollbar at 1280 x 1024 in firefox 4 win vista

oh yes - hacker and web developer are not the same ;)
"Website Developer
Are you a hacker who can make webpages sit up and speak?"