Website Design advice: Client is king


New Member
I think that every website designer around the world wants to put his personal touch to every website design they do but… how you deal with your clients? what happens when you visualize a concept for a website design but your client is going the other way?

Well… forget about what you want or what you would like to see on a website in first instance, Consider that website design will not be for you, unless you want to re-design your own website ;).

Mixing the ideas: The first thing that you need to do when developing a website is listen to your clients, send them a complete questionaire where they fill all the information that you request to start with the website design, enable a field for “additional comments” where they can share additional or important information that you may know about their website design. Once they tell their wishes, how they want the website design, what websites they love, what websites they hate, then identify all the small details that will make them happy, design based their requirements and mix the website design with your designing style.

Consider the following items before we start a custom website design project:

* What is the clients goal?

*What is the client’s audience?

* What does the client’s audience is expecting? what do they want?

Obviously, if the client feels stucked or doesn’t have the minor idea about how to start with a website design then provide support with good advices based in a previous marketing research.


New Member
Yes, I totally agree with you, SEO is very importnt to a website, but content is more important. And what's the most importent thing? That's the client's need, goal, want and expect. That's what we should make effort to do.
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