Website Critique


New Member
Actually there is nothing i like about that design. It's blured, messy and hard to read it's content.

You really should check some of current trends in web-design and totally rethink your design.


New Member
Not a bad site--

my main dispute is inconsistancy in your photo gallery... some are centered... some are not... plain white bg... not easy to navigate... dead HOME link...

load times could be optimized a little bit... but not bad!!! :D


New Member
Thanks for your feedback. I meant to mention that the photo gallery was the one page(s) that I haven't completed yet. There are SO many options for galleries I am still trying to determine which one I like best.

I will work on load times and clean up the blurriness of my graphics in the footer as well.

d a v e

New Member
it's unusually dark for a wedding site - not sure whether it works as well as a lighter one would. i do like the design but will enough of your visitors?

don't forget to use h1 as the main page heading

text only needs one space after the period, not two (unless you're typing on an old typewriter ;) )

how about something like lightbox ( for your gallery?


New Member
I have heard of Lightbox, but never tried it - thanks for the link, I will def check it out!

As for the colors, it is dark, but I have gotten a lot of good feedback on that from current/previous bridal clients. I could def work on making it a bit softer though.

The 2 space thing is just a BAD habit of mine! :)

Thanks for the feedback!


New Member

the header text should be larger..about 2x.
the ovals around the navigation is too close..i would take them off all together.

the links on the footer are practically unreadable..they should be much larger.

i get the fancy font effects thing..but would use it sparingly.

i would also add more padding to the black text box. and if you are using css then increase the line height or the is difficult to read bold white on black.

hope this helps