Trying to replicate javascript style popup support window


New Member
Hey all,

I am trying to somewhat re-create what the website '' has for their support feature. I have the button positioned fine, but I am not sure how to go about creating the popup functionality.

I am guessing they are using javascript- What I really like about it is that the popup does not have 'browser like features' and the background dims out.

To see the working example click:

To see my work in progress click:

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated-


Super Moderator
Staff member
Have you looked at jquery? All jquery calls are initiated through a $(document).ready(function() {}); function. That might help you here.

Check out the popup images in the product sections on our site ( I think it similar to what you are looking to do. They just lack the "dimming" of the site behind, but that is easy to add in.
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