The "position" attribute


New Member
Do most people use it? If so, how much?

I used to use it when I was starting out, as I saw it as the simplest way of positioning elements. However, they started causing me much grief when they conflicted with other elements and began throwing objects all over the page.

So now I simply use tables and divs to arrange my layout, and for the last three sites I have designed I have not used the position attribute once.

Am I a blasphemer? Should I be using this attribute all the time?
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New Member

I never use it because to be honest I don't fully understand it. It is very complicated and I should really look in to it at some stage! But I find that I can get by without it.


New Member
I use it sparingly, mostly to set something as position:relative ....

As for the Tables Vs Divs argument, that's a whole 'nother can of worms that I'm getting into, best bet would be to search this forum for previous threads on the subject..