Tech Support Company


New Member
I have a company I'm working on, and I wanted some criticism on the website.
The site is
I have been told to add more content, but I disliked clutter, so I experimented by splitting the sides with the golden ratio:
and just as a quick experiment, I dynamically hid the descriptions:
What are your thoughts on these three designs?


New Member

I noticed you have links that forward the browser to sections further down the index page. Personally, I'd make these different pages. It'd help pad out the website and you could go into these sections in more depth.

also get a logo designed. they can cost as little as $20 but really make an impact.


New Member
Funny thing. Using FF when I scroll down and back up the header has blocks of white in it. I will try to take a screeny.


New Member
Funny thing. Using FF when I scroll down and back up the header has blocks of white in it. I will try to take a screeny.

This seems to be a bug with FF. I don't use any special stuff, just raw HTML and CSS (and a /tiny/ amount of JS in the new design).