Table stays put in IE, but not in Firefox


New Member
Hey y'all,

I am new to the web design side of things and just wanted to take a crack at it. So I have designed a very SIMPLE 5 page website and on one of my pages there is a form to fill out information about who ever if visiting. I have the table created, linked to the php to send me an email when the customer fills the info out, hits submit. This acutally worked on my first try. I am a CAM software Engineer and applications engineer so i know a bit about coding...

BUT for the LIFE OF ME, I cannot get the damn table to stay put in Firefox. In IE it will stay exactly where I designed it to be using margin-left, margin-top, ect.. no matter what size I make the viewport, yet in Firefox when I change the width of the viewport the table moves all over in the horizontal direction...

Any ideas? Here is the code... yes I know it sucks, it is my first time so take it easy please. Thanks for the help I bet it is something easy I am overlooking. I am using Dreamweaver btw.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">
body {
	background-image: url(images/invite.jpg);
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-color: #DC1414;
	background-position: center top;
	text-align: center;
.text {
	font-size: 16px;
	color: #FFF;
	font-family: Arnprior;
.radio {
	font-size: 16px;
	font-family: Arnprior;
	color: #FFF;
.radio2 {
	font-size: 16px;
#apDiv1 {
	top: 68px;
	left: 440px;
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<!-- End Save for Web Slices -->

  <form name="form1" method="post" action="">
  <div class="">
    <table width="398" border="0" cellpadding="6" style="margin-top:50;margin-left:800" >
        <td width="116" height="37" style="text-align: right; font-family: Arnprior; font-size: 16px; color: #FFF;"><label for="firstname2"><span class="text">First Name</span>:</label></td>
        <td width="252" style="text-align: left"><span style="text-align: right">
          <input name="firstname" type="text" id="firstname2" size="40" maxlength="35">
        <td style="text-align: right; font-family: Arnprior; font-size: 16px; color: #FFF;"><label for="lastname">Last Name:</label></td>
        <td style="text-align: left"><span style="text-align: right">
          <input name="lastname" type="text" id="lastname" size="40" maxlength="40">
        <td style="text-align: right; font-family: Arnprior; font-size: 16px; color: #FFF;"><label for="email">Email:</label></td>
        <td style="text-align: left"><span style="text-align: right">
          <input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="40" maxlength="80">
      <tr style="text-align: left; font-family: Arnprior; color: #FFF;">
          <input type="radio" name="RadioGroup1" value="Owner of Truck" id="RadioGroup1_0">
          <span class="radio2">Owner</span></label>
            <input type="radio" name="RadioGroup1" value="Customer" id="RadioGroup1_1">
            <span class="radio">Customer</span></label></td>
        <td style="text-align: right">&nbsp;</td>
        <td style="text-align: left">&nbsp;</td>
        <td style="text-align: right">&nbsp;</td>
        <td style="text-align: left">&nbsp;</td>
        <td style="text-align: right">&nbsp;</td>
        <td style="text-align: left">&nbsp;</td>
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New Member
If you had an example on the net it would be much easier to have a look at it for you!

Have a look at google chromes developer tools... I believe you can change styles and css values on the live website to see their immediate effect in a web browser...


New Member
Sorry, I dont have an address or server yet, I have been testing it on my local php mySQL sever I setup.

I will try the CSS idea, when I create the Div tags will I just insert the same info I had in my table in the Div tag?


New Member
I inserted a div tag and put a margin to top and left so it lined up how I wanted it... put random jibberish in it... previewed in firefox and it still moves depending on the size of the viewport...


New Member
Can anyone give me some code to use in the div tag to hold the div in the correct position? please. Thanks

Here is an image of the page... I am trying to set a div/table/etc... inside the blue box and ask for first name, last name, and all of the jazz... and then once they fill it out hit a send button and it will email their information to me.
I have the php setup to send the information to me I just have to link it to the text fields and radio buttons once I get them inserted, and keep them in the correct place.

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New Member
I never really needed automated site back up unless you will store like a gigabyte of data, then it will take you forever to re-upload it. Or if you have a lot of content added by other users, then it might be wise to have automated back up. Otherwise I dont think its necessary. Just make sure you have a back up of your site on your hard drive and it should be fine.


New Member
Thanks Absolution! Eventually it will have users and stuff so I got it. It was $13 per year...

any ideas on the code?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Few things here,
  1. Why is this entire page in a blockquote? This is semantically incorrect, plus it serves no purpose here. Recommend removing.
  2. Dont use a table. This is a simple form and can be organized with an unordered list.
  3. Why do you have inline styles? Use a external stylesheet, throw the stuff in the head in there also.
  4. You have a div holding this form (inside the blockquote) with an empty class? Should it be the id "apDiv1"?


New Member
It looks as if y'all helped me figure this one out... The text fields stay put! Thanks!

Now I am having an issue with having the submit and reset buttons not showing up in any browser when it's on my web server and I enter the page through the home page, but if I just hit F12 to preview they show up, and they show up in live view too...weird.

Any ideas?
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