SWF slideshow


New Member
The web page loaded a little slowly due to big-sized images. Try to check flash time frame interval and fading speed.

3 High-Demand Blogging

Thank you for the reply.
If I resize the images, won't they appear smaller?
I created the slideshow with Adobe ImageReady. I set up each image for 3 seconds and the transition to be .5 seconds.

It loads fine in my dreamweaver "preview in browser". It's just slow after I upload to my website.


Super Moderator
Staff member
save for web as a single image, NOT as a html page.
save each image on their own.
DO NOT let photoshop or imageready do the work for you. thats 90% of the problem.
jquery is used for the slideshow.

jquery is really simple.

make a new html page.
add a link to the query library in the head
implement a small script
put your optimised images in a separate folder.
add the images to the html, follow the documentation from the query plugin
save and preview.
upload when your happy with it.