Suggestion Needed!!!


New Member
Hi Friends,

I need some suggestion from you. I am from Chennai, India. Actually i worked as a web designer for 2 years from 2005-2007, and because of my situation i was into business(which is entirely different from IT enabled services and i cant put that in my resume) from 2007-2009, so it created a 2 years gap in my career and i am 29 now. I planned to start my web designing career again and i refreshed my skills.

I got a doubt will any concern hire me with a 2 years gap in my career and age criteria(i m 29 now). Expecting your suggestion friends.

Thanks in advance.


Super Moderator
Staff member
The fact that your 29 should have very little effect on whether a design company would hire you. The two year gap is your real concern. But hey you have recognized this! So keep the dream alive and start updating your skill set.
I would suggest building test projects/experimenting, follow some tutorials, you know start getting your feet wet with today's web development/design standards. It highly recommend your learn CSS. W3 Schools is an excellent source of info for development (both HTML and CSS), and places like Tutorial 9 are also great beginner design tuts.

Two programs I suggest you gain a firm grasp of:

  1. Adobe Photoshop (for web design)
  2. Adobe Dreamweaver (for web development)


New Member
Hi pixelpusher,

Thanks for ur suggestion, its really helpful for me. Actually i practised with XHTML with CSS, i m comfortable enough with this. Can u suggest me how can i compromise the "Design Company" for the 2 years gap in my career.

Thanks in advance!!!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Start building a portfolio, showcasing that your talents and skills as a designer. Even if most of them are hypothetical companies (not real entities) that is really irrelevant because they will be looking for how you handle a design concept/theme. Aside form that be truthful in your resume...say something along the lines of: "... I had a two year break [explain reason] but since returning to the industry I have worked hard to sharpen by design skills and here are some examples of my work..." This will show your are dedicated and truthful. Good attributes to have in an employee if you ask me.


New Member

There is a not an age for doing some specific work. You can start your career with the best of your knowledge.

You can also earn money by working at home as through Freelancing sites, where you can get different web designing projects, and can work accordingly.
