Staff profile


New Member
Hi, im fumbling my way through creating a new website for my boss! I am going great...until now. I am looking for a way (like a form) to create a uniform staff profile page to enter 15 staff members details and experience onto our website. Eash staff member will have a link to their profile page....the profile page needs to be the same format for all 15 staff. I have tried creating a form....but i dont exactly want it to look like a form on our site. I would like to EDIT it like a form....but for it to show up without the boxes on our site....ikywim!! Any suggestions?? Im terribly sorry for all you 'tech' advanced people that have had to read my amateur post! ;)

im using Web Easy Professional 8
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Well, ive never used that particular program and having both "easy" and "professional" in the title kinda scares me, but anyways, in a circumstance such as that I would make a custom module, or webapp or whatever the cms calls it where you can input the details directly in the cms admin. Each profile would be a new entry in your database. You would then style the db fields for the custom module with css. Create a template for that section, and add it to the site as an include.

You can still use a web form, and style it attractively with CSS, and it won't look like the typical form with rectangular black boxes at all. Also you could use selection lists or radio buttons to make the inputs consistent.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I not familiar with Web it just a dev app like Dreamweaver or is it a cms system?
Not sure a form is the right element, but that depends on my previous question. I would make a grid of sorts to organize all the elements of each profile, use css to style each element within (img, headings, p, links, etc). Take advantage of css selectors as much as possible, keeps markup cleaner. From there, its just be a matter of switching the info for each staff member. That could all be sotred in an xml file, that you pull in through a server side like PHP or ASP. this way you only edit one file (xml doc).