Site in need of help!!!


New Member
Please check out I have no clue on how to use the zen shopping cart so any advice or help to create a page with paypal buttons and use the shopping cart would be helpful. Also if anyone knows of any free or cheap shopping cart software that is EASY to use for novices that would be helpful also.

The site needs functionality and design help to make it something buyers will want to look at. Any easy for the to navigate and buy.


New Member
Without meaning to sound harsh, in my view this site needs a complete overhaul. If you are a proficient web developer then hit the zend cart site and start reading, if not then I reckon your best bet is to shell out some $ to get someone to help you sort it out.

When someone arrives at a web site, particularly to buy products they will only feel confident spending $ if the site looks professional and is secure. You need to decide if you are serious about selling on the web and if you are you need to invest in it.



Staff member
I agree with the post above. is another free shopping cart software, but you could be better off paying a developer familiar with the script to customise it for you