Site for artists to host music (like reverbnation), but simple


New Member
Need site for artists to host their music (something like reverbnation).

1 Users can register and get their own page on website, (page be listed automatically on website).
2 They upload their music to the site and display and it displayed on their page (one that they got after registering).

3 Music player to play music on website.

Need advice on how to achieve this with Joomla or other CMS.


New Member
Your best bet is probably to take a look through the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED). It's an extensive listing of useful extensions for Joomla. It sounds like maybe you'll want something along the lines of a Social Networking extension, maybe JomSocial, though I haven't used JomSocial myself. You can find the JED here:

This does however sound like a fairly complicated project, one for which you may be best served by finding a professional to help. There's likely to be a lot of time spent getting any extension to work, streamlining the signup and page creation process, and dealing with permissions for file uploads and display. While the concept is fairly simple, the technical aspects are fairly complex.