

New Member
Hello all,

I just launched my new real estate photography company. The website was built with Dreamweaver from a friend. I want to know what others think about it, as far as it looking "pro" enough, as well as the logo. Would you hire me after seeing my website? Does it look professional, or like some college kid did it? Thanks.



I really liked the site, I was quite surprised when I first viewed it.

I would suggest that you up scale the navigation section currently is hard to see with it being so bland in a site full of images. I would also suggest that you redo your pitch image on the homepage, try to change the fonts to something better then your current font.

Your other pages need to be reformatted, some of the font needs to be margin-ed more in the content boxes.


New Member
Zach, thanks for the feedback. When you say my other pages need to be re-fromatted, what do you mean exactly? I am new to all of this. Thanks.
