Some web text is selectable / copy-and-paste-able while other text eg in an image is not selectable - is there a term to describe this (ie better than 'selectable / copy-and-paste-able')?
Sorry.. the question really doesn't make sense but I figured I'd give it a go.
You can either code fonts into html (and point them into a specific font style if not the browser will default to a standard font) or you can embed your font into a graphic. There really isn't any other name for it that I know of.
The latest and greatest is a CCS style @font-face which allows you to code a wider variety of fonts.
If you are asking if there is a way to lock text from being selected on your website.. i'm not sure.. probably via javascript or something but why?
Well if you have an image that has words on it then those words won't be selectable. If the words are just words though they will be selectable/copy-and-pastable/highlightable w/e