Saving for web and devices


New Member
Is it necessary to use the "save for web and devices" function in photoshop when saving out photographed images for the web? I'm making a portfolio website and when I save out the photographs of my work using "save for web and devices" the colors appear dull. When I just save them out the regular way ("save as..."), the colors appear correct in my browser, and in some cases the file size is smaller than the ones that were saves out with "save for web and devices". Is this function meant to be used for saving out photographs for the web?

Thank you!


Super Moderator
Staff member
You don't have to use it. It generally puts out web optimized graphics that are smaller and have a color pallette that works better on the web. If it isn't working for you, though, don't use it.


Using an automated way of optimising images for the web is probably not the best way of doing it if you are particular about results. Jpeg is a lossy compression so you need to fiddle with quality and check load time. Give people a thumbnail first though so it's up to them if they want to download the high quality version.