Sake brewing website


New Member
First impression was total confusion about what the site was for. I'd recommend having a more pronounced home page that helps the visitor understand what the site is about. I love the logo and the clean colors of the site. I'd also remove the lines/separators within the text.


New Member
Look for the texts of the "containers". They should be centered. And the "search"-field and -button should be a littlebit higher. Not so directly at the "slideimage".

Claes Nilsson

New Member
Thank you for your replies,

I am in the works of actually making the front page, as I realized that the temporary one was not going to work.

In a few days my front page should hopefully resemble this one:

With the search field I was kind of going for a feel like it was a part of the slide section / what becomes the content area on the other pages. I will try out your suggestion though.
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