Safari messing up my footer


New Member
I need help with my site, if anyone can assist -

It's not finished, nor is it live. Here is the url for now -

Now, in firefox and IE, it displays fine. But something about safari causes the footer to push up into the previous div.

A couple notes -
Transferring the site into the CMS "Adobe Business Catalyst' caused 1 error in validation. This was not there prior to transferring it to ABC, so the validation has nothing to do with the footer screwing up. Also, the trial version of ABC adds a "report abuse" icon to the bottom of the page, but that also is not the reason for the footer acting strangely, because it acted this way prior to transferring to ABC.

Now, there is some code added into the #wrapper, adding a negative margin of 100. I added this because the footer will not push to the bottom of the page if I remove it. So, if anyone has any ideas on how to make the footer push to the bottom, and remove that -100px that screws it up in Safari, I would really, really appreciate it. I just can't figure out what's wrong!

thanks :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
that report abuse tab is interesting. I've used BC now for 6 years and have never seen that once. must be a newbie.

your "push" div has no positioning on it.
add position:relative; that might help the issue...


New Member
Yeah, it's a new thing they added to all trial sites. It goes away once you start to pay. I'll try adding that code. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks for the help!

that report abuse tab is interesting. I've used BC now for 6 years and have never seen that once. must be a newbie.

your "push" div has no positioning on it.
add position:relative; that might help the issue...


New Member
Looking at it in Safari 6 on a Mac the footer is OK but the paragraph text is bigger than in the other browsers. It looks the same as the rest (.85em) rather than being the specified .65em.

Try adding - #footer p {font-size: .65em;color: #ccc} - to the main stylesheet.