Review my website


New Member
Don't take my own word for it, but I just don't like it. It's just not very creative, but then again it may not need to be creative. It kind of looks like other average websites out there. Just my humble opinion.


New Member
design your landing pages properly

well just good design and layout is not enough for website.
their landing page are most important part of the site.
if you do not know about the landing pages go to search engine and find for them.
i have designed some of them for free downloading.
download them and give me your valuable feedback.


download them from here:
Landing Page Templates


New Member
The fact that there are no hover effects whatsoever makes me
feel like I'm browsing a concrete wall. It just feels flat you know?

You could also add larger margins to the text compared to the header's
'cause it looks a bit cramped, you need some air! Besides that it looks
pretty sweet! Keep up the good work :)


New Member
You know I like your site even if it doesn't look very posh. I like clean designs with easy navigation.
In fact the icons you've used for your navigation menu look really nice