Review My Site Please


New Member
Hey guys, I'm new to the community. I was hoping you wouldn't taking a minute to review the site I have made and provide some feedback. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

I myself have noticed that the header images load later than I'd like. I've reduced image size/quality of the buttons to very small sizes and I still seem to have this problem. Does anyone know why this happens?

Thanks for the help!


New Member
Hi jed279

The website looks completely old fashioned, ugly, low quality, it looks like an old powerpoint presentation.

I could provide you a free mockup so you can see how your website would look with a nice re-design, just let me know and I will gladly do it.

Warm Regards


The site does look a little 90's, but that's not always a bad thing.

Load times on the site are reasonable, and I only see a totally of 272K on load.


I would highly recommend removing the bevel from your photography. I also recommend you rename it Camp Crystal Lake :D


New Member
I want to give an advise to my fellow forum members.. I have noticed some new members post a website review, we post a lot of comments and they don't even care, that's not fair, we should just give reviews to members who have sometime posting on the forum.

I will not keep wasting my time with 1 post members


New Member
I don't have any issues loading your website and it loads rather quickly. Yes it depends on the visitors internet connection speed but I think you have either fixed the issue or it was never an issue to begin with. Either way, your original request to comment on the speed it loads is answered. I hope that helps.

P.S. Although I do agree that some web design work needs to happen on the site, it is best for you to decide. It all depends on who your targeted audience is. Good luck.