Revamping School Homepage


New Member
Well at school they needed someone to clean up the school website and make it better. I was assigned the homepage and was wondering if anyone had any ideas in order to make it more robust.

Here is the website:

You can definetly tell work needs to be done on it. So if anyone has any ideas please tell me. and can someone also tell me why images wont show when using firefox.

I was thinking of doing something like this for a layout. The banner I kinda took the idea with the Microsoft Office menu bar. Wat do you guys think I should add or change up


New Member
Well, that layout could work, but we really need to see it in action to really tell how that layout will look. That layout could look great with the right colors and what-not, or it could look just a bad a before. Start on it and go from there.


New Member
Avoid the side scrolling at all costs... the current setup makes me scroll sideways and I'm using a 1280*800 resolution. Scrolling vertically is fine, horizontally always puts people off


New Member
Yes side scrolling does tick me off a bit. I'll make sure to avoid that.
Here is the banner I'm thinking of putting up.
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