Replacing Image Text


New Member
I'm trying to replace the image text for my logo with actual indexable text but I'm having trouble getting the 'architectural visualisation' portion to tuck nicely in next to the tail on 'g' in 'gap'. The homepage architectural visualisation has the actual text and all of the other pages still have the image logo. Any ideas on how to get this to work?

I've also found that it shifts my nav bar ever so slightly.

Any help would be much appreciated.



New Member
Honestly, it's so much easier to just use an image. The text is still in the footer, and there is the description meta tag.

However, if you do still want to use text, try using px sizes rather than pt. Some browsers have different interpretations of how big different pts are meant to be, so using px instead means it is always the same size, dependent only on your screen resolution.

Also, just as an aesthetic assessment, you might want to move all the elements a little closer together.