Renaming files


New Member
I made a stupid mistake early in the game. I named a lot of my files with the first letter capitalized and now I want to go back and fix them all but I don't want to have to completely reroute all my files. Is there a way to do this. I hate making stupid mistakes like this but I guess that's a bonus of experience.

Another question. I've done this before but I completely forgot how to do it. I want to make my frameset in a standard width and center it so if a viewer is using a wide screen (like me) it the center. I'm using dreamweaver and I thought you could do it in the page properties but I guess not.


New Member
1. Since you're using DW, the easiest way to change this is to change the file name (F2 or right-click)- DW will check for dependencies and make changes as necessary.

2. With regard to using frames :eek: , don't use them.


New Member
Wow I didn't know that.

Yeah sorry I didn't mean frames, I stopped using those in high school basic web design... I meant my layout table.


New Member
Aligning a div to the center of your page is easy once you learn. Here is an example:

<style type="text/css">
body {
	text-align: center; /*center everything for IE*/
.container {
	width: 800px; /*Set the width of the div*/
	margin: 0px auto; /*center container div for Firefox*/
	border: 1px solid #333;
	background-color: #CCC;
	text-align: left; /*reset alignment to left within container div to override the body alignment*/
<div class="container">
This is your container