G'day mate. Not bad at all. A few suggestions, you have spacing between a number of elements, and you don't between the img scroller and the main content div.
Also those flags up the top may either want to be made a little smaller, or lightened in colour. The logo you use is very web 2.0 (and I don't say that with negative connotations, i like those kinds of designs) but the flag elements clash with this a little as they are a seperate styling all together.
Also I'd suggest placing in a call-to-action on the right of the content div in the white space. In the top offer something free, even if it is just a consultation, drive them to contact you, and then underneath quote quite visibly some of your key acheivements, goals or testimonials. The page needs to pass the 'glance test' if you take a 2 second glance at the page for the first time, what do you see? If all of your information is buried in paragraph text, then more often than not, its not read.
Sorry if the post seems negative, its not, just giving a few tips that I've picked up along my travels.
Great work.