Question about Polls..


New Member
I want to add a poll to my website, And not a third party poll that has the results linked to another website.

I've never created anything like this before, so I am not experienced with it, but I am willing to put in the time to make it happen.

If anyone could give me any advice, or give me the basics on what I need to do, I would be very grateful. Thanks!

I believe I need to create a database..?


New Member
I bet there are some pre-made PHP scripts out there for that, just need to spend some time on a search engine. Having a database using like MySQL won't be necessary for it, unless there are some major security concerns. Often these scripts run on simple data files, normally labeled .dat and you can mess with them in a notepad like program.


New Member
I don't want to use a pre-made script, I wanted to do it on my own so I am able to customize it the way I want it. Just needed some advice on how to go about doing that.