Problems with IE


New Member
First off just want to introduce myself, just registered and these forums seems like a great place for info. Quick background, I just graduated with a degree in graphic design. I have some experience with web design, but still kinda learning as I go.

I am designing my self promotional website right now, just getting the template down. I managed to get my homepage to work on the latest versions of FireFox, and Safari but my layout wont load correctly on Internet Explorer which unfortunately is the choice of browser of most users. I ran a W3 validation check on both my html and css and I only get one error with my html. The error has to do with my java script, which im pretty sure has no effect on my over layout, but i could be wrong.

Here is the url:

and the css

Again im still kinda new to Web so my coding my not be the greatest. Any help is appreciated.:)



New Member
anyone??? It just seems like my divs are not displaying in the the right order, plus one of my containers isn't holding the the content correctly.


New Member
I've had a look at this and there doesn't seem to be a quick fix. It looks to me like your div layout is fatally flawed. For example the background image for you left column (held in "roundcont" class) seems to be assigned to a div that contains most of the page content. If I were you I'd redo the body with something along the lines of the following:

<header stuff, nav menu etc. here >

<div> entire top row graphic with rounded corners </div>
<div id="div1"> width of page with graphic of left and right side of box

<div> left column (float:left) shouldn't need
any graphics etc because div1 controls this</div>

(all the right column divs should be float:right)
<div> right column top line</div>
<div> right column content with background graphics of box</div>
<div> Graphic for end of box</div>

</div> <!-- div1 -->

<div> footer with graphics etc. </div>

This should simplify your layout (if it makes any sense).
