So I have a webpage I made for my girlfriend that has a clock built with and unordered list with images as backgrounds for the list items. It took a little bit of css to make it all line up right and some jquery to make the li's rotate at the right speed to show the time. It's rotating using the css3 transform rotate to make the hands rotate around the clock. Anyways it all works just fine however I built it all in one page so that I could have a live preview and didn't have to click refresh when I made css or js changes (I use Aptana Studio 3). When I finally got it working correctly and finished I put it online. I'm okay with it how it is. It's online, my girlfriend loves it, and it works just fine. However today I went back into Aptana and decided to move the css and js to external files just to clean everything up and it's not working. I can make the js into an external file and it works just fine but when I move the css into an external file the clock disappears. I still have the right styling on the words on the page and on the <hr /> but the clock just doesn't show up. Does anyone know why this might be?