Please take a look at my site


New Member
Please take a look at this site. Please be honest with me both positive and negative. I am not using divs so I'm sure I will get hammered for that but I just haven't learned how to use them yet.
All the links will take you back to the site that is currently live, all I have is a mock of the index.

Thank you. Hit me with any suggestions.


New Member
The font is pretty much too small all around, especially in the header and footer sections. Also the latter section is floating on top of the content bottom for some reason, and is doing so consistently in every browser I have except for Safari. If it were a Div I'd tell you to add a border to it.. I guess I haven't really used tables for a while!


New Member
Classic case of professional "Insert Your Trade Here" taking a stab at web design. Nothing wrong with this approach and even being it's fun to tinker, design and call it your design and it cost you very little.

Problem is the site will more than likely cause this..

Spending hours, days, weeks working on the pages and the end result is not ( sorry ) professional as the service the company offers. I mean, if the company is making money then the website should give the visitor the impression that your a professional business offering serious services.

You'd be better off finding a template to showcase your website. Heck for about $50 bucks or so you can get a copy of a $2,500 design.

Types that would help tremendously..

Dynamic Flash

None of these require any special software. If you have any questions or would like to know more just PM me :)

Honestly.. the website is not ready for review in my view.


New Member
I would break the information in the column next to the picture of the building into two or three paragraphs. Type like you would talk. Could you say all that in one breath?

Also, you should include the alt="" text in the image line:
<img src="images/officefront.jpg" width="447" height="337" alt="Integrated Security Solutions" align="top">
Instead of a picture of the building I would put a picture of the staff. Let people see who they'll be doing business with. I would also make the size of the image a bit smaller, so that it wouldn't take attention away from the message or slow the page down when loading.

At the bottom of the page where you have the contact information and New Products boxes side by side... I would change that. Visually - it's bothersome because they aren't the same size.

Have you considered using a two column design in the main area? The narrower left column would be a great place for the customer's contact information and tag line. Plus it could be carried across the website.

I would incorporate a couple of smaller pictures - one of the staff and the building (if that's important to the customer). I would start with the picture of the staff and float it to the left and wrap the message around it (right and under).
<span style="float:left; padding:0px 10px 8px 0px"><img src="images/staff.jpg" width="224px" height="169px" alt="Integrated Security Solutions Staff"></span>Message here.
<br />
<br />
<span style="float:right; padding:0px 0px 8px 10px"><img src="images/officefront.jpg" width="224" height="169" alt="Integrated Security Solutions Office"></span>Message here.
This would be better than having the information on one side and the pic's on the other.

The footer of course, will have to be straightened out.

To reduce the empty look you could reduce the width of the website to around 800px's (including borders) and centering it on the screen.