I would break the information in the column next to the picture of the building into two or three paragraphs. Type like you would talk. Could you say all that in one breath?
Also, you should include the alt="" text in the image line:
<img src="images/officefront.jpg" width="447" height="337" alt="Integrated Security Solutions" align="top">
Instead of a picture of the building I would put a picture of the staff. Let people see who they'll be doing business with. I would also make the size of the image a bit smaller, so that it wouldn't take attention away from the message or slow the page down when loading.
At the bottom of the page where you have the
contact information and
New Products boxes side by side... I would change that. Visually - it's bothersome because they aren't the same size.
Have you considered using a two column design in the main area? The narrower left column would be a great place for the customer's contact information and tag line. Plus it could be carried across the website.
I would incorporate a couple of smaller pictures - one of the staff and the building (if that's important to the customer). I would start with the picture of the staff and float it to the left and wrap the message around it (right and under).
<span style="float:left; padding:0px 10px 8px 0px"><img src="images/staff.jpg" width="224px" height="169px" alt="Integrated Security Solutions Staff"></span>Message here.
<br />
<br />
<span style="float:right; padding:0px 0px 8px 10px"><img src="images/officefront.jpg" width="224" height="169" alt="Integrated Security Solutions Office"></span>Message here.
This would be better than having the information on one side and the pic's on the other.
The footer of course, will have to be straightened out.
To reduce the empty look you could reduce the width of the website to around 800px's (including borders) and centering it on the screen.