Please Review New Website :)

d a v e

New Member
to be honest it looks like something from 10-15 years ago

your nav bar is ok otherwise back to the drawing board


Staff member
yes, needs work, everything looks too big.
and i would even consider a different domain, and definitely get rid of the spider image.
Not many people like spiders. I hate them.


New Member
Work on typography and space for a start and do not make site until you draw it on paper and ps.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I would not say ps is a prerequisite for a website build.
In fact id go as far as saying you may as well build it with tables. Why?
Building a site from ps is very rigid.
Layout with css and only use ps for components. Otherwise your just wasting valuable time.
Ps for web sucks....
If you are to use any program to "design" a layout. Indesign or illustrator.
A paper wireframe however is not a bad suggestion.


New Member
Likes and dislikes

Well certainly not my favorite site I've reviewed but let me start with the dislikes. 1. What is going on with your flash-like player? A play button that doesn't play anything? 2. Hate italics anywhere! 3. Either the background or the font in the foreground needs to be contrasting. 4. Social media widgets look awkward.

What I like: 1. Sweet little icon for the tab! 2. Good overall feel with the background colors. Nothing too flashy.