Thanks for the feedback guys.
@ Ian: I know about the stretched image and will be taking care of that. I'm not quite sure what you mean about the menu overlapping the rest of the site? That only happens when you hover over portfolio and the different categories?
@Pixel: As i said to Ian, I know about the stretched image, but I'm not actually the photographer, the photographer is a close family friend. I just finished college and looking to get into web design. When i try to edit the image to fit that size it just stretches and i tell him to do it but he hasn't got round to that yet.
The JG in the top left hand corner is a logo and in the top right hand corner, it's a title?
In the big grey section i planned to have buttons for site map and contact, but they were very slow loading. I took out the bar to see what it looks like, and i think it looks even more ridiculous. ( So now I'm stuck with what to do with it.
Again thanks for all the constructive criticism.