Please review my site -


New Member
The design is simple and the content is straight to the point and clearly visible. But the eyes are easily drawn away towards the vertical menu on the left, which is kind of confusing. I'm not a particular fan of menu's with text that makes you want to rotate your head 90 degrees.

Also you seem to use quite a few images that are a bit to big, so the load times aren't too great. You don't really need to create cells to make borders like that! The markup and CSS make it very clear that you've used software to create the page, which doesn't strike me as 'the perfect web solution'. Just cut down on the images, get rid of the crazy borders, move the menu to the header cell and it'll look and feel much better! :)


Staff member
I think the text would look better in black, would also offer a little contrast.


New Member
The site is fine, except one minor thing. First my understanding is that the navigation is duplicated (the images and the tab on the left side are pretty much the same). I guess it is intended but that is ok with me (I would prefer them to be a bit farther apart though, instead of side by side duplicated).

Another thing about the image navigation though is that they are a bit confusing. That is, they are not easy to understand what they actually meant. Maybe a cue text on mouse over will help.


New Member
thanks, text on mouse hover would be great.. black text? maybe.. I'll try my best, but I prefer to redesign the whole site cause the feedbacks arent that great..
thanks guys!!