please help table


New Member
Hey everyone, im new here and hoping I can get some help. I need to know how to link html pages inside of tables, without the use of frames. I see alot of sites doing this so that they dont have to edit 150 pages, just to change the "menu" perhaps.

If someone knows how this can be accomplished please post, thank you. If you need to know the way I have my html table layout I can post it. Thanks!


New Member
there are many ways to do this...not many that are relatively easy to explain. One way that is fairly easy is with the use of Adobe Golive CS2 (I'm not sure if its available in other html editors) Golive uses a device called a componet, which you can add to your pages, and everytime you update the componet, the pages are automatically updated. If you use golive, I'd be more than happy to show you how to do it. Other options would be through the use of some sort of serverside script or through frames(which I hate as well) perhaps it may also be possible with some javascript, though that would probaly be as appealing as frames...Anyone else have any ideas?


New Member
You're correct ISDP -- this is not one that is easily explained. You're brave to tackle it. :)

This sort of functionality is available in NetObjects Fusion as well - they call it 'borders' I think, and as you mentioned..this can also be done via script or some such.