PC advice


New Member

I'm a web designer currently using a Mac. I'm moving to PC soon so I can use the same Adobe License as my partner.

Can anyone recommend a PC for web design? My budget is around £1000.

Also, is it possible to buy a package of fonts for PC, so I don't have to go buying every time I need a different font? Or am I hideously out of date in assuming that PCs don't come with a very good selection of fonts?

My other option is to buy another Mac and use BootCamp. Does anyone have any experience of this?



New Member
regards the fonts, simply go to dafont.com and download what you want.

For a pc the best price is to build yourself, alternatively why not try ebay, you can get some decent quad cores with 4 gig ram for around £400. If you want to spend 1k i would suggest a quad off ebay, then get 16gig performance ram of crucial.com and a decent graphics card (all of which adobe photoshop CS4 64bit can utilize well)

be carefull on ebay though, generally they will slap in a rubbish graphics card but it will contain 1 gig of ram, which although is high isnt as powerfull as some of the lower ram'd ones. Try a ati x1900, good enough for graphics editing and a bargain at 30-40 quid.


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Staff member
One option (which i currently use) is the Parallels Desktop for Mac. Allows for a virtual pc on your mac. It creates a virtual environment where you can run windows xp or vista ( i prefer xp) and then any pc app. It pretty cool. The only con to this is if you get a mac laptop (i have a macbook pro) the battery charge doesn't last as long.

As far as pcs go, I have a Dell Vostro and it is excellent.

Regarding fonts, there are many free font sources out there on the web just do a google search for free fonts. Also for top quality fonts, adobe has a fonts section on their website.