Not sure what to call this???


New Member
Say I wanted to take an image of a televison...make it big and use it as a would I go about making the screen area editable where I could run a live video stream script and have the screen on the TV play my feed?

I use gimp,dreamweaver & firworks cs4

Any ideas of how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Use photoshop to cut out the screen? position a div that encompasses the screen dimensions and run your live feed script in that. Use the outer frame of the tv as the body background (I would position this with css also). Or if the tv frame file size is too large as one image cut into four pieces (top, btm, L, R). Be sure to optimize that tv frame image(s).

This can also be achieved with flash.


New Member
Web development problem

Like mentioned above, in photoshop simply cut out the screen, place this in a table cell or DIV and use CSS to place the screen in teh background. Then you can simply add new content or whatever ontop of the screen. Goodluck with this, seems interesting, if you get it right then it should look great keep us posted!

Daniel Brown
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