Noobish question


New Member
Hi, i have one question regarding look of sites in diferent resolutions. I wan't to design my own site, i am building template in photoshop. If i build template in 1280x1024, how would this site look to someone who's computer resolution is much bigger or smaller. Thank you for answer in front, and srry if this problem has been mentioned before, due to my poor english knowlage, i don't know how to search for this topic.


New Member
Hi mile94.

It depends how you build the website. For example if you did it the 'traditional' way and built a website with a fixed size, for browsers with 1280 x 1024 resolution then on smaller resolutions it would get cut off. On mobile devices and tablets it might shrink small and become unreadable and difficult to use.

If you are going to google anything I suggest Googling "Responsive web design".

Also I recommend having a look at as it has a very good responsive framework. To get an idea go to that page and change the size of your browser window and see how the website changes to fit the size of the window.

Good luck!