I have been in the graphic business for a number of years and now want to learn web design. Got a Dreamweaver8 and am having a devil of a time doing things. I'm use to Photoshop or Illustrator, InDesign, Quark, etc. Anyway I was just told to try KompoZer as an alternative.
My question is: I have seen a web site that displays its portfolio by showing several small images to one side of the screen and as you scroll across an image an enlarged version is displayed in a large box on the other side of the screen, showing itn enlarged and more detail, and text containing the client-job information and even a testimonial. And where I would like to add a link to the clients site.
I know nothing about html, css nor much of anything web orientated. (I'm a print guy) How difficult is this to produce this effect and what is your opinion of DW8 vs KompoZer?
Thank you for your time and understanding.
My question is: I have seen a web site that displays its portfolio by showing several small images to one side of the screen and as you scroll across an image an enlarged version is displayed in a large box on the other side of the screen, showing itn enlarged and more detail, and text containing the client-job information and even a testimonial. And where I would like to add a link to the clients site.
I know nothing about html, css nor much of anything web orientated. (I'm a print guy) How difficult is this to produce this effect and what is your opinion of DW8 vs KompoZer?
Thank you for your time and understanding.