just startdoing everything without tables, they sux
just setup your menu like this (each one)
using your css or style if its sheet specific, set the div to float:left
and style it how it all needs to
<div id=whateva>
<p><img src="" title="" /></p> //need to set the img to float as well
<h1>category name</h1> // set the h1 style to size and margin top etc using class
Use h1 tags on category name for SEO
if its php or some other dynamic output just put all that in your for() or while() output
while($cat = mysql_fetch_array($catr)){
<div id="showcase">
<p><a href="<?php echo PORT_PATH.$cat[name]; ?>.html" title="<?php echo $cat[imgtitle]; ?>"><img title="<?php echo $cat[metd]; ?>" alt="<?php echo $cat[metk]; ?>" src="<?php echo THUM_PATH.$cat[name]; ?>.jpg" /><?php echo $cat[name]; ?></a></p>