Need Some Opinions, Plz


New Member
It's kinda tough to review until you add some content, but based on what you have already:

Tables are a no-no. CSS only, especially if you're posting the "Valid CSS" badge

The design is way too plain & generally uninteresting


New Member
what's wrong with tables? and I do have valid css, but its just boring to take the time to have ALL the design in CSS, especially when it's simple to just add in some quick thing that solves your problem. ;)


New Member
"Welcome to my website,, I'm still making it."


Yeah I would sugest more color,
and because there are no selctions on the top,
Adding a picture that matches the grey theme, something technological looking,
That wont distract from and text,

OOh and some animation, something moving, would just make the site so much better


I don't see much. Perhaps you are still working on design, right? However, it looks promising. I love simplicity and you seem to be designing something like that.

Kudos! :)


New Member
good design ... i would drop your host though.

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that is embedded in your source.

But otherwise the only thing i can say is that your portfolio images extend well past your bounderies of the div tag dimensions. i would resize them so you don't have to side scroll.