Need Opinions Regarding Design (no links)


New Member
Hello everyone,

I was wondering what everyones thoughts were on pop-up media players? My company is launching our newly designed website this month and we're at a crossroads figuring out whether to use embedded or pop-up. The site will also feature a blog and forum so our thought were that if its pop-up they can start listening while still enjoying the other aspects of the site without being hindered with 2 tabs or anything.

The media players wouldnt be auto-play, and they'd be in flash so they'd be supported by pretty much everyone (except mobile, but we're making a site just for them). Also, a guy I was speaking to this morning made the point that most people have pop-up blockers and what not, but I still see many sites that do use the pop-up media players so it cant be that bad right? Also, dont you usually have the option to allow the media anyways on most browsers? Just alot of things to consider, we want it to be as accessible as possible

All opinions are valued, thanks :)


New Member
pop up flash is not accessible at all...

Would you mind expanding on that? By accessible I meant supported on most browsers. From my recent research Iv been under the impression that Flash is the best way to stream media on all modern browsers/computer/OSs. I could be wrong though