Need Help with flash


New Member
The problem is (I'm 95% sure) that you didn't upload the AC_RunActiveContent.js file that DW generates for you once you add a flash object to the page. Do you notice, in your files panel, a new folder called 'Scripts'? This folder must be uploaded in order for your flash file to run.

It's not a problem with your flash file, it's just a matter of using the DW-generated code in order to tell the page to run the file.

If you need more clarification, let me know and I'll make a youtube tutorial.



New Member
ok I watched the video and I do I have that file upload in the site. I use cs4 and I don't see the AC_RunActiveContent.js file instead I see expressinstall and swfobject_modified in my scripts folder. Could there be another problem?


New Member
Okay, So I downloaded the swf that was at the url you provided. When I tried to open it on my computer, instead of opening in Flash Player it opened in Flash (CS4), and nothing happened. I even tried to play it in Adobe Media Player, and nothing happened.

It's as if it is a blank movie. It's file size is only 12kb!!! Does it just have some actionscript that uses an XML file or something to import images (which would explain the extremely small file size?

Can you post the .fla? I'm sure I can debug this if I had that file.
