Need assistance with Website component


New Member
hello everyone,
i need ur assistance. i'm creating a Website for a non-profit organization, and i'm looking to create an effect similar to that located in the link below. the effect i'm trying to create is somewhat like a slideshow that changes automatically and allows the user to view previous pics and click on the pic to follow a link...kind of a rough description, but to see the effect, visit:

this is a non-profit that i'd like to model mine after.

would someone be able to tell me what this effect is called and what program is used to create it? i believe it is flash, but i'm not sure. and it's difficult for me to research it, because i haven't been able to identify good keywords to find exactly what i'm looking for.

thanks in advance for any information...


New Member
It is a flash document, but could be made in Swish and exported as a *.swf document, some find it a bit easier than a full blown version of Flash, with quite a lot of built in transitions and presets:

thanks for the info. i may go with flash since i have the adobe suite (and also, i doubt the executive director will give me the funds to purchase a software what is the effect called? would you happen to know where i can find a tutorial?