Need advice on what to use


New Member
Hello I am a somewhat new web designer I've made a few pages for companies I have worked for though I have never had any formal education. Just figured things out for myself. Now however the company I am working for wants me to try something that I don't even know what to research. They want to be able to take a bill amount entered by a customer viewing the site and have them click options and the site is to display an amount of money they would save based on those options. Any advice would be quite helpful.


New Member
This first thing you'll need to decide is where your logic is going to sit, Client or Server Side.

Client Side - Would mean that the calculations are contained in the HTML, this would mean you would be using JavaScript to do the calculations. You would have to layout your form and when the user click a "Calculate" button then you execute a piece of Javascript code (contained in your HTML) that picks the values from your page, performs the calculations and displays your result.

Server Side - Would probably mean using something like php (provided you host supports it). You would layout your form and when the user click "Calculate" the form would be submitted to a .php file which would perform the calculations and return a page display the result.

Client side is probably going to be the easiest way for you to go. It will mean you have less to learn, but it probably won't be as flexible/powerful as if you went server side.

Layout your page and then look at JavaScript functions like document.getElementById and math functions to help you interrogate the page and display results.



New Member
thanks for the input I'll do some research on it. sorry I didn't thank you sooner I've been laid up with a broken ankle. Great fun...