New Member
I am new to the forum and new to web design. First of all I am not going to even try to say I know anything about web design. I will leave that art to those of you on this forum that know what you are doing. Here is my problem, I own a small housekeeping business. I recently re-branded the business so I have a new name and logo and am trying to create a new website. With the old business I created and hosted a free site thru Microsoft office. It was a simple drag and drop/upload type of creation. VERY easy and I managed to make it look VERY professional. They no longer offer free hosting or any hosting. So I have purchased a new domain name. I currently have it hosted by Hostgator. However, they have HORRIBLE site building programs. I have NO idea what I am doing. So my domain has been hosted by them for several months and I have yet to publish anything to the web. I have no problem switching hosting services, I would prefer free hosting but low-cost is fine. I'm paying about $9 per month for hostgator now. I don't have a lot of traffic or files to store so basic service is sufficient.
Here are my questions:
Is there any program that offers simple site creation and templates?
Can I create a website using some type of program and then publish it thru Hostgator?
I'm pretty new to all the terms and processes. I am in no way able to write code or anything like that. I want something simple like what is offered by most free hosting sites but a little more detailed. I want to add a blog later for example. Also I've heard that pointing my domain to different hosts loses my search engine results so I would like to avoid that if possible.
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I really can't afford to hire anyone to design a site for me and I'm pretty creative with an idea of what I want the end product to look like so I am trying to do this myself. Thanks in advance!
Here are my questions:
Is there any program that offers simple site creation and templates?
Can I create a website using some type of program and then publish it thru Hostgator?
I'm pretty new to all the terms and processes. I am in no way able to write code or anything like that. I want something simple like what is offered by most free hosting sites but a little more detailed. I want to add a blog later for example. Also I've heard that pointing my domain to different hosts loses my search engine results so I would like to avoid that if possible.
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I really can't afford to hire anyone to design a site for me and I'm pretty creative with an idea of what I want the end product to look like so I am trying to do this myself. Thanks in advance!