My site looks like it was designed by a drunk person in IE


New Member
The site in question is In IE 9, the body is pushed to the right of the page. In IE 7 and below, everything in the header looks like crap. Any suggestions?

(And yes, I know, there are too many tables in there. The website was handed over to me and I'm having to get rid of the tables one by one...)


Super Moderator
Staff member
First thing id do is get rid of that stupid pop up!
First impressions count and thats a bad one right there.
People obviously come to the site, dont drive them away before theyve even read ONE word.
Second the copy is too dense and the design isnt that great.
Run it past the board obviously, but it needs not only a rebuild but a rebrand.

d a v e

New Member
and your background is too large. i would look at a rebuild - i.e. make a new framework and put in the content from the old one - or at least strip out all the styles from the old one


New Member
Have you considered hiring someone ONLY for the design? Some people just produce a PSD for you to later work with.

Otherwise, here are a two very efficient and easy changes: Keep everything aligned. Draw a grid and stick to it. Every paragraph and heading of a column should stick to that line. The second part is to stay consistent. You use many different fonts for identical titles. If elements are logically related, then their look should be the same. For example, my site only uses 2 fonts and a handful of colors. Those colors are the same you will see on anything that bears my name.

I also noticed your site was pretty slow. You might try a different background, especially since this one doesn't even cover the width of a 1080p monitor.