Hello all,
I would be very grateful for any constructive criticism of my website, http://min.dvir.us/. Particularly I am interested in whether or not the design would appeal to a software employer. Feel free to ignore all of the content.
I also have a few particular points of inquiry.
P.S. I apologize if any of these questions no longer make sense as I am constantly reworking my site.
I would be very grateful for any constructive criticism of my website, http://min.dvir.us/. Particularly I am interested in whether or not the design would appeal to a software employer. Feel free to ignore all of the content.
I also have a few particular points of inquiry.
- The nav bar links' background color on hover is the same as the text color everywhere else but that is the only location of that background color. Is that inconsistent?
- Under [bio], is the Contact section a bit disorganized? Any suggestions?
- There are vertical separators and horizontal separators (I mean the actual lines themselves rather than placement of content), and the vertical separators are thicker though the thinner horizontal separators separate more important headings. I think it looks nice. Am I wrong?
- Under [bio], I want the picture of me in a tux to float right next to all the paragraphs but I don't know how. Is this doable? I do not plan on combining multiple <p>s into one <p>.
- Should I fix the positioning of the header and footer on the top and bottom of the screen, respectively?
- Something looks off about the footer and I can't put my finger on it.
P.S. I apologize if any of these questions no longer make sense as I am constantly reworking my site.